Tracmaster's Top 10 Gardening Jobs for October
Our top 10 gardening jobs for in October...
- Collect seeds and store them in envelopes (clearly labelled) in a cool, dark place until they are ready to sow.
- Plant conifers and evergreen shrubs so their roots can establish before winter sets in.
- Prune climbing roses to avoid damage during the winter.
- Dig up summer crops such as runner beans, carrots, and beetroot.
- Protect plants from frost by covering borders with a layer of bark compost, and wrapping larger plants such as tree ferns with a layer of straw or fleece.
- Transplant spring cabbages to their final growing position.
- Raise pumpkins and squash off the ground to allow them to ripen and keep dry. When the skin hardens they can be harvested.
- Clean and disinfect bird feeders and bird boxes before winter sets in.
- Keep lawns clear of fallen leaves. Leaves can be composted, or store them in bin bags to rot down to leafmould.
- If not already done, aerate compacted lawns to improve drainage.
If you've got any other tips we'd love to hear your ideas. You can tweet @Tracmasteruk or use our contact form.