Bluebird Alhambra Pro Wheeled Brushcutter
Made for tall grass and brush areas
Powered by a top of the range Honda engine, the Bluebird Alhambra is a fantastic machine for cutting grass and dense brush.
4 retractable swing tip blades protect the cutting system whilst the option of 3 working speeds and a reverse offer the operator a range of options for different conditions.
The Alhambra is a very suitable option for customers who are wanting to maintain wild flower meadows and cut the grass without destroying seed heads.
The Bluebird Alhambra is a powerful grass and brush cutting mower with a 60cm cutting width. Self driven with 3 forward speeds, the 4 swing tip blades are engaged only when the operator presses the relevant control lever and they will "retract" behind the leading disc to prevent damage if an immovable object is hit.
This type of disc mower cuts grass without cutting it up in to pieces which is especially useful if you looking to manage wild flower meadows.

Dimensions (L x W x H)
180 x 86 x 98cm
2 years
Working Speeds
3 forward speeds + 1 reverse
Cutting Blades
4 Free Swinging Blades
Cutting Width
Honda GCVx170
Blade Clutch Brake
Steel Rim & Puncture Proof Rubber Tyre

Swing Tip Blades
For added protection in overgrown areas swing tip blades that retract behind the leading disc protect the machine from damage.
Powerful Honda Engine
The Honda GCV 160 is a top of the range Honda engine that won't let you down.

Simple Operating Controls
Easily control the working speed and blade engagement from the handlebars
3 Forward Speeds
Change your working speeds depending on ground conditions and material you are cutting

Side Catcher and Guard
A useful feature when cutting tall grass.
Adjustable Handlebars
Easily adjustable handlebars allow the operator to work in comfort.

I have an earlier version of this machine,and it's just the tool for cutting long grass and weeds,cutting with ease through which undergrowth,and throwing the cuttings into does to the right,in good conditions.Recommended.